Damiano Serpetta

Software Engineer. Marche, Italy · damianoserpetta@live.com

Working student in the field of computer science, from 🇮🇹 Italy.
Currently studying to become an IT Business Analyst and enthusiastic about information systems engineering.

Education 🎓

University of Camerino 🇮🇹

Master Degree in Information System Engineering
November 2021 - In Course
About the course
The Information Systems Engineering curriculum focuses on methodologies, techniques, technologies and tools for engineering complex information systems. Effective strategies for defining customer needs, required functionalities early in the development cycle, systems design, validation and deployment are deeply investigated. ISE graduates will be able to understand and solve issues related to business and IT alignment, such as process and data organization, performance and cost optimization, engagement of social aspects, and technology adoption and maintenance.

University of Camerino 🇮🇹

Bachelor of Computer Science
September 2017 - Octuber 2021

An 'Immuni' App alternative, scalable and asyncronous, with a focus on privacy and security.

The idea behind this project is the development of a tracking network, which works by collecting anonymous data asynchronously between different devices, who anonymously send their tracking data. Int this way, there is no need to have an exchange of information between the devices and this means that both parties do not need to have the application installed at the same time on their smartphone. This Thesis project consists of two separate projects. The first project concerns the development of an application for Android, the tracking tool that each user uses to detect adjacent devices. The second project concerns the creation and development of a web-service that manages the online data of the aforementioned devices.

University of Murcia 🇪🇸

Bachelor of Computer Science (Erasmus+)
Febraury 2020 - July 2020

I have partecipated to Erasmus+ project in Murcia, at UMU university.

IIS E. Mattei Recanati (Italy)

High School Diploma, Informatics.
September 2012 - July 2017

Experience 💼

Software Engineer (Full Stack)

Studio Bugari
November 2021 - Present

Full stack system designer and developer.

Some projects I worked at.

🏭 Industry 4.0 (OPC/UA & Modbus) inter-communication and job orders management system
👩‍👩‍👦 CRMs (for a medium-business related to telecommunications and other small businesses)
📦 Warehouse management software
ℹ️ Help Desk system
🌶️ Restaurant orders management system
✉️ Real-time instant messaging
📈 Sales data analysis
💽 ERP integrations
📞 Whatsapp business communication integrations

REST Api design and develop · System design & architecture · Requirements analysis and process management · Web services (ASP.NET Web Api) · Mobile app development (Kotlin) · Web development (Blazor) · Desktop (WPF, WinForms) · Databases (MSSQL, Postgre, MySql) · Web server (Apache, IIS) · Version control (Git) · Project management · Customer relationships · Team work

Mixing Engineer

September 2018 - Present

FOH Engineer of the band Capabrò since 2018. I followed the band in their concert in Italy, through The Marches, Umbria, Tuscany, Piedmont, Lombardy, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto. Besides Italy, two concerts are been made in Murcia (Spain).
As FOH Engineer, I had to be able to cope from small stages and clubs to medium / large stages, both with our equipment and alongside larger services.


Among large stages, I partecipated to:

28/08/2021 - Opening to Lo Stato Sociale | Phoenix Festival - Camerino (MC).
11/08/2021 - Opening to Giancane | Geko - San Benedetto del Tronto (AP).
20/08/2019 - Opening to Rovere | Sarcedo Summer Fest. - Sarcedo (VI).

The work of the FOH Engineer requires a good predisposition to solve problems and the ability to obtain the best result with what you have. In fact, given that each concert and situation is unique, it is important to be able to cope with changes and organize oneself to success in the concert. Live concerts also do not forgive mistakes, so good organization and knowledge is a fundamental requirement to do this job at best.

Collaborator in Medical Office

Aldo Tiberi's Medical Office
March 2021 - Octuber 2021

Student-collaborator of Administrative Office in the University

University of Camerino
100 Hours

Skills 🤹


  • Italian, my native language.
  • English (Level B2). I'm doing the Master Degree fully in English. In the field of Information Technology, I'm used to read, write and speak in English.
  • Spanish (Level B2). I learned Spanish during my Erasmus in Spain and thanks to my volunteering in a Youth cultural centre, closely to people from all over the world.

About my skills

Abstraction, consistency, maintainability, extensibility are main characteristics of my work.

Business Analysis

I'm currently studying Business Analysis in University of Camerino, which is the main topic of my Master Degree Course.

In the University, I have learnt how to analyze and model a business, in order to improve it, and, thanks to my job, i have learnt how to apply those skills in a real context.

Main skills: BPMN 2.0 (Camunda) - Process Mining - Enterprise Software Infrastructure - System Architecture - Complex System Design - Stakeholder relationships.

Together with studies, I've worked on some universitary projects about Business Analysis, in collaboration with some companies like Loccioni Group, with whom we provided to improve the Help Desk Management Process.

System Design

Over the time, I started to be enthusiastic about System Design, with a focus to all related topics.
I focused a big part of my time to study System Design and Architecture, because I think that it is a fundamental topic for a Software Engineer, and it can make the difference in a Project, in terms of organization, scalability, maintainability, consistency, team working.

Clean System Design can get around of many problems, such as errors in system requirements specifications, or in the implementation of the system itself, because of a well-organized and well-designed system.

Web Services

From the coding perspective, I'm focused on design REST Api and build web services, apart from developing front-end too.

Mainly, i concentrated my studies and work on ASP.NET Core, but I'm also interested and experienced in other technologies, such as NodeJS + Express.
Programming Languages · Frameworks · Databases · Tools
  • Application, Database, Web Services - Design and Architecture
  • Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN 2.0)
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Focus on Clean Code
  • Flexibility
  • Team working
  • Continuos Learning

Projects 🚧

Process Mining of a Hospital Billing Event Log

University of Camerino
Febraury 2022 - June 2022
About the project
The goal of the project is about to study and analyse events log in order to discover process models and checking conformance of these models. The 'Hospital Billing' event log was obtained from the financial modules of the ERP system of a regional hospital. The event log contains events that are related to the billing of medical services that have been provided by the hospital. Each trace of the event log records the activities executed to bill a package of medical services that were bundled together. The event log does not contain information about the actual medical services provided by the hospital. The 100,000 traces in the event log are a random sample of process instances that were recorded over three years. Several attributes such as the 'state' of the process, the 'caseType', the underlying 'diagnosis' etc. are included in the event log. Events and attribute values have been anonymized. The time stamps of events have been randomized for this purpose, but the time between events within a trace has not been altered.

Data Source: 4TU.ResearchData

Application for semantic search over large document collections. (Machine Learning)

University of Camerino
Octuber 2021 - March 2022
About the project
Application for semantic search over large document collections, crawled from the web. The application is implemented from scratch by Damiano Serpetta for the Data Analytics project in Computer Science Course in a.y. 2021/2022.

Application for pianos tuning through beats detection.

University of Camerino
Octuber 2020 - August 2021
About the project
Closed source.
Application developed in collaboration with Mounir Taouafe and Claudio Veneri (Musician and PhD in Mathematics)